Pink Dolphin Pool Care Q&A

Pink Dolphin Pool Care Q&A

When you’re hiring a professional pool cleaning service, there are a lot of questions on your mind. You want to make sure you are getting the best service for what you are paying. You also want to know that your pool is being properly taken care of. To help you decide whether or not you should hire us, here is a little Pink Dolphin Pool Care Q&A for our frequently asked questions:

1.       What is included in your full-service pool cleaning?

With our full-service pool cleaning, you don’t have to worry about a thing. We conduct weekly cleanings that include: testing the water chemistry; adjusting pool chemicals and shocking the pool if necessary; backwash pool filter; empty pool skimmer and pump baskets; brush pool walls, steps and seats; vacuum pool as needed; and skim leaves and debris off the top.

2.       Is there a less expensive option than your full-service pool cleaning?

Yes. If you want a more inexpensive option and are the type of person who likes to be outside and do some of your own pool cleaning, we offer two other pool cleaning services: Chemical Pool Plus Cleaning Service where we do everything the full-service cleaning offers minus the vacuuming and skimming; and our Chemical Only Pool Service where all we do is balance the pool chemicals.

3.       What’s your most popular cleaning service?

Our full-service cleaning option is the most popular. Since Arizona summers can be extremely hot, many of our clients don’t like working up a sweat to clean their pool. They just want to relax in an already taken care of pool. We don’t mind the hot work.

4.       Will my pool be serviced on the same day every week?

Yes. We schedule our technicians to come out to clean your pool on a consistent basis. This makes sure that your pool remains clean and safe for you to swim in regularly. If there is ever a schedule change due to holiday or an emergency, we will communicate that with you right away.

5.       Do you conduct pool repairs?

Yes. We are not just a pool cleaning service. We know everything about pools and the way they run. Our pool repair experts can handle any repair you need to be done, no matter how big or how small.

For more information contact us today at (602) 688-7465.

What You Receive from a Professional Pool Cleaning Service in Glendale AZ

What You Receive from a Professional Pool Cleaning Service in Glendale AZ

Pool maintenance can be a tough job to do yourself if you aren’t a DIY person. If you are, that’s great! Most homeowners aren’t that inclined to do it themselves when it comes to pool care, but they’ll do it anyway because they believe it cuts down on spending rather than hiring a professional pool cleaning service. While there are routine costs involved, what you receive from a professional pool cleaning service in Glendale AZ makes up for it. Plus, having regular maintenance done by knowledgeable professionals reduces chances of future expensive repair needs.

What You Receive from a Professional Pool Service in Glendale AZ

What You Get from Professional Pool Cleaning Services

The main thing you receive from a professional pool cleaning service in Glendale AZ is a consistently clean pool. With the summer almost upon us, your pool is going to be used a lot and having it regularly serviced will benefit you and your family. Along with the clean pool, you have peace of mind knowing that someone will be out regularly to check your pool and make sure everything is working properly. If a problem arises, you know it will be caught quickly before it has the chance to get worse and cost you more.,

Custom Pool Cleaning Service in Glendale AZ

Here at Pink Dolphin Pool Care, you get to choose what you want. We offer three different pool cleaning services: full-service pool cleaning, chemical plus cleaning, and a chemical only cleaning service. You get to decide the level of pool care you want us to do. If you like doing a little cleaning yourself, the chemical plus service is for you. If you like doing a lot of the cleaning yourself, the chemical only service is your choice.

If you absolutely don’t want to do anything, our full-service pool cleaning is the perfect option. Whatever you want out of a professional pool cleaning service, Pink Dolphin Pool Care gives that to you. You call all the shots, we make sure you get what you pay for, and your pool stays clean. Call us today at (602) 688-7465 for a customized pool cleaning service in Glendale AZ.

Solar Pool Heating Benefits

Solar Pool Heating Benefits

Swimming is the perfect activity for the family to do together. Not only can swimming serve as a low-impact exercise option, it can also reduce stress in your family’s life. There have been studies that show the more you swim, the better and happier you feel. The only problem is that swimming is seen more as a summer-only activity, but that is not true. How do you keep your pool in use year-round and keep your family happy and healthy? Solar pool heaters. While there are a number of options out there for heating your pool which cost less to install, the solar pool heating benefits far outweigh the initial installation costs.

Solar Pool Heating Benefits | Pink Dolphin Pool Care Phoenix AZ

Make a Difference with Solar Pool Heating

One of the main benefits to solar pool heating is the low energy. Most pool heaters require a lot of energy to get the pool heated to a comfortable degree. All that energy results in you having to pay an incredibly high energy bill. With solar pool heating, the energy costs remain low. Other solar pool heating benefits include:

  • Solar energy helps the environment. Solar pool heaters transfer the heat from the sun into your pool. Using a renewable energy source, such as solar heaters, to heat your pool helps reduce the smog created by the release of nitrogen dioxide when using electric heaters. With every installation of solar pool heaters, climate change is slowed down.
  • Higher return on investment. The installation costs of solar pool heaters can be pretty high, but that is really the only time you will be paying for it. Solar pool heaters have an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years compared to an electric heaters 5-year life. Along with a much longer lifespan, solar pool heaters require very little maintenance once installed. The average monthly operating cost of an electric or gas pool heater is around $500. Solar pool heaters don’t have additional operating costs because the sun’s energy is free.
  • Energy efficient. Most pool heaters require that you buy a new pool pump to match with the heater. With solar pool heaters, they already go with your existing pool pump, which is the most energy efficient option. Your pump circulates the pool water to solar collectors where it is then heated by the sun before being circulated back out to the rest of your pool.

Cost Effective Solar Pool Heating Benefit

If you are someone who likes helping the planet while saving money at the same time, solar pool heating is the perfect option for you. The initial cost may make getting a solar pool heater seem not worth it, but it is a one-time cost and you get so much out of it. You don’t have to keep paying for monthly upkeep and your energy bill will be a lot less than if you had installed an electric or gas heater. You are saving more money by paying one large fee at the beginning and nothing for the next 15 to 20 years. Plus you’re also helping the planet, and isn’t that what it’s all about?

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