What Happens During a Professional Pool Closure?
With the summer coming to a rapid close, that means the use of your pool will most likely decline. Even if you have a pool heater, you won’t be swimming as much in the winter. Your pool is nice and warm, but once you get out, it’s cold outside. So now it’s time to start thinking about closing your pool for the winter. You may be thinking to yourself that you don’t need to professionally close your pool for the winter, but you would be wrong. It’s always a good idea to close your pool during cooler temperatures, especially if you’re not using it. When you’re using your pool almost everyday, you take precautions and make sure it is clean, but when you aren’t using it, maintenance drifts to the back of your mind and your pool can become damaged. Keep your pool safe and call Pink Dolphin Pool Care for a professional pool closure.
Professional Pool Closure
You’ll be asking yourself, what happens during a professional pool closure? Well, the main objective of a professional pool closure is to make sure your pool is safe and will remain safe during the closure. When you call Pink Dolphin Pool Care for professional pool closure, we will:
● Lower the pool water to the proper level
● Balance/adjust the chemical level in your pool
● Remove and store equipment
● Put a winter or safety cover on your pool
● Prepare your plumbing for freezing temperatures. This can be done by blowing out your pool lines with an antifreeze made specifically for pools
Why a Professional Closure?
You can close your pool yourself if you know what you are doing, but if you want to be sure that the right precautions are taken, you want a professional pool closure. Here at Pink Dolphin, we know how important your pool is to you so we want to make sure your pool closure for the winter goes as smoothly as possible without any hiccups. With our help, you can rest easy knowing your pool will make it through the colder temperatures and be waiting for you when it heats up outside. For the best professional pool closure, call us today at (602) 688-7465.