COVID 19 Got You Fearful of Public Pools? Maybe it’s Time to Build Your Own Glendale Pool
Missing the pool this summer, but unable to attend a local public one with the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing? It’s not too late to get started on a pool for this summer. To get you through the isolation of the summer and stay with you for years to come as a private backyard escape, build your own Glendale pool.

Pools come in many designs and sizes, so you can find ones that fit your needs and the permissions of your local ordinances. It is important to verify with your homeowner’s insurance whether your policy has any stipulations specific to pools as well before getting started.
The simplest setup and a good option for renters, inflatable pools are flexible liners that fill with water. They only need to be unfolded, inflated, and filled. They come with a pump and filter and need the same maintenance as any other pool. They can be taken down easily.
Above ground, pools come in a variety of frames and liner combinations but are generally a lower-cost way to install a semi-permanent pool. These require similar upkeep to other permanent pools. Over the winter, these can be left up.
In-ground pools are generally a large home project to undertake but can be a valuable enhancement for your property. In-ground pools offer a little more variety in looks, materials, and depth. These permanent fixtures can be kept open with heaters year-round.
Got a small space in a tight backyard? A pool is still possible for you. Spools are a combination of spas and pools to meet your small space needs. You too can have a cooling, relaxing pool without a large yard.
For all of your improvement and repair needs, Pink Dolphin Pool Care is here for you. Want to personalize your new pool with lights, a fountain, or a heater? Time to automate cleaning with a robo-vacuum? We have the knowledge and products to bring your pool up to specs for you and to keep it in good shape from then on. From opening and closing to weekly cleanings, you can enlist Pink Dolphin’s services for all of your pool needs.
Even if COVID-19 means the public pool is off the table this summer, you can still enjoy the water in your own Glendale backyard. Want to get started on personalizing and maintaining your new pool? Give Pink Dolphin Pool Care a call at (602) 688-PINK.